God, we thank You that...
- The Davis fire is controlled
- We are Here
- God's healing
- Revivals around the world 🌎
- We are blessed
- The stars
- Friends
- Modern delivery services
- Bro John
- Providing for our needs.
- Giving us each other ❤️
- Answered prayers
God, we ask...🙏
- You end all wars
- Energy for all
- A car for Sis Sharon
- That You do whatever is necessary to bring salvation to our...
- Friends
- Family
- Co workers
- Bro Jerry's Brother
- Bro Frank and Sis Anita's family
- Neighbors.
- Owners of the Brothels
- Our Military
- All of our government
- For healing for...
- Our country
- Shaant and his family
- Martina's Daughter
- Sis Kala
- Haiti
- Israel and region
- Bro Andy's knees an feet
- Sis Leigh M- heart and eyes
- All the flu bugs
- Bro Jerry
- Sis Linda and Bro John
- Racial relations
- Craig
- Cancer
- William T
- Maryanne's Aunt
- Those with Lyme disease;
- Bro Israel's children,
- Those in pain
- Our Nation
- Touch those not in service today
- Travel mercies
- You turn the brothel properties into centers to help the down-trodden
- That the expecting parents have easy pregnancies and births with healthy babies and mamas
- Amanda and Daniel Wiltse
- Rose and Timothy
- For comfort for
- All who have lost loved ones recently
- Provision for...
- All who are looking for places to live
- Jobs for those who need them.
- Bro Joe
- Bro Jon
- Sis Jennifer
- Workers for the businesses who need them
- Those feeding the homeless
- Those fighting human trafficking
- Whatever each of our homes need.
- Our missionaries, especially in Haiti
- The Crisis Pregnancy Center
- The Dream Center
- The Gideon's and Tyndale's
- Ark of Grace
- Family Renewal
- The work World Vision, Heifer Project, and Smaritan's Purse does
- Your will to be done in every heart in …
- Our community; Topaz to Red Rock, Silver Springs to Tahoe
- Our Friends and Family, Near and Far, Saved and Unsaved
- Our country
- Our planet
- All Governments
- All Education
- All Entertainment
- All Media
- All Families
- All Churches
- and in every court in our country
- Guide and anoint to Your service:
- Each of us
- Our Government
- Our Military
- Our Missionaries
- Our Families
- Church leaders
- We pray You to add souls to the church, fill every seat and more, and draw us all closer to You.
- Show us how to help others, and who needs us
- You end sex trafficking, abortion, pornography, and ALL the lies in our culture.
- Free all in captivity
- Expose every lie, fraud, abuse, and deception to the light of day and let justice be done.
- We pray a special request that You flood this country with Your Truth and bring us to repentance from our self-worship. Restore us to the foundations we were built on and let us once again be a Light on a Hill showing the glory of Your ways to the world.
- Redeem all who can be redeemed. Destroy the wicked. Let the righteous rule.